Welcome to Heather's Blog!
Each week, be inspired and raise your vibes into higher consciousness with Heather's latest nuggets of wisdom and spiritual connection, that bring light, high-vibration insight and solutions.
Many people begin their journey with Heather through this blog, progressing to deepening their path with the wisdom and empowerment with Ancestral Clearing and online programs. Follow the guidance that thousands around the world wake-up and evolve with each week
Ding, Ding All Change!
International Women’s Day
Marching forwards with a thrust…..
It’s all about Intention
Are you feeling it?
Why bother doing something that no one seemed to be doing?
Magic of Meditation
Resetting your emotions
Balance is the key of life
Deep Mystical Vibes
Are you hitting an invisible wall?
I get planning!
All Change! Major Life Upgrades
How fear causes sickness
Register today!
Surround Yourself With Nature
You are entirely up to you…
Why fit in when you were born to stand out
You CAN have all that you want…