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Writer's pictureHeather Prince

Choose to experience LIFE through the eyes of LOVE

I’ve been buzzing about all over the place this week, after the August eclipse.

Did you listen to the Health & Well Being Show at Phoenix Radio, Harlow on Monday evening?

It was on Facebook Live too.

Anna, the co-host had a stroke at age 24 and had lost use of her right arm.  I offered her a tiny taster of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping, one of the tools I use with clients and watch what happened….

The link is on my page @therootmaster1 on Facebook or click on this link… live video.

On the same evening of the radio show, we had the August Eclipse which was all about reflecting on the themes of what was coming up for you in February 2017 and finally, gracefully and with a full heart letting go, surrendering and taking that step into fully opening your heart, just like a rose bud opening into full bloom.

Earlier on this month it was time to explore our relationships such as friends, family, lovers, community and our societal systems (such as our relationship to/with Governments, Business leaders etc). And of course the most important the relationship you have with yourself! It was a time to take steps into a deeper place within our Hearts and through kindness, compassion and reverence for one another come together in heart-space to be the change.

And now, after the Solar Eclipse on August 21st it is time to experience the world through eyes of LOVE.


I totally get that at many of you may feel a deep sadness and cynically ‘see’ the chaos, separation and fear within the world, as beyond the point of no return.  Many people are feeling this pain and being consumed by its darkness and deafening vibe.  But your HEART knows that what you see with your eyes is not representative of the TRUTH of who you are, of who we all are… and the greater potential that awaits an awakened Humanity.

We are being called to see the world through our Hearts, the eyes of LOVE. Be vulnerable, open our Hearts to a world more beautiful and BE courageous enough to be a revolutionary pioneer by CHOOSING to ‘see’ a greater potential for humanity through LOVE.

I know at times this may feel too challenging! When does this painful behaviour, this senseless violence, all this suffering in the world ever end?

It ends with YOU, it ends with US… it ENDS when we change the way we ‘see’ the world and choose to experience LIFE through the eyes of LOVE. Can you relate?

I’m really excited that the new Meditation 10-week course starts Monday 4 September 2017 at 8pm – 9.45pm in The Energy Studio, Loughton.

5 minutes from Loughton Tube Station

You will gain:

  1. Understanding your own mind

  2. Learn how to transform your mind from negative to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, from unhappy to happy.

  3. You can enjoy peace throughout the day, not just while seated in meditation.

To register please CLICK HERE 

                                                                   For those not local to me, please look out for the 21-Day Meditation Challenge starting in September, where I break down the simple steps of meditation that you can practise and master.  


Happy Bank Holiday

Big Love



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