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Writer's pictureHeather Prince

Feeling Glad?

Are you glad to see 2016 end?

Has it been a difficult year?

Are you repeating life patterns from the past?

In 2017 we need to set an intention to bring in new energy, so our karmic cycles can end.

We need to understand that we can’t change anyone who isn’t ready for change, other than ourselves.

Are you ready to take your life to the next level of peace, joy, love, and prosperity?

This is all about YOU.  Are you ready for a new way of living and being?

2017, is a ‘1’ year and the end of a 9 year cycle which began in 2007 and ends today.  Now is your chance to be ‘karma free’ and to set strong energy boundaries for yourself. It doesn’t matter what others do or decide, make this about you and what you want in your life.

Take the time now to look at what has repeated for you since 2007 and decide to do something different. The new 5D paradigms are karma -free and if we want to step into them, our karma has to be left behind.

Visit my website to book an ANCESTRAL HEALING and clear your repeating ‘old patterns’ to be FREE in 2017.

Want to have a greater understanding of Ancestral Healing?  Yes, then read my FREE eBook available on my website CLICK HERE 

Please join me on Saturday 14th January for my workshop in Loughton, Essex – click on the link below


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