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Writer's pictureHeather Prince

Psychic Development for beginners

Updated: Jun 20, 2020

I have been asked about how to begin ‘psychic development’.

As I have been teaching meditation for over 20 years and running a monthly Psychic Development Group, I have got some easy steps for you.  

Firstly, here is something that I wish for you to understand.

Being psychic isn’t about DOING. It’s a state of BEING.

You may need to repeat that statement as I remember when I began my development, I certainly didn’t “get” how to just BE.  

Heather Prince

The next step is to set your intention that you wish to tune in with your natural abilities –  call it Divine guidance, sensing things about people,  hearing clair-audient impressions  ( Clairaudience is the capability of receiving an intuitive vocal message from the world of spirits or a higher being) and having a sense of Inner knowing – it all feels totally natural.

The truth is, we often make psychic development a lot harder than it should be. There are effortless ways to blend development into your life every day! In fact, this is an effective way to develop your gifts because you’re integrating them right into your life immediately. These methods get you used to using and trusting your abilities every day.  

7 Beginner Psychic Development Easy Steps 

1. Make Use of Travelling Time

Sitting on the train? In the car waiting in a traffic jam?

Forget about checking social media and/or playing iPhone games and use the time to develop your psychic hearing (clairaudience) instead.

It’s easy! Here’s what to do:

  1. Sit comfortably and take some deep breaths.

  2. In your mind, let your Spirit Guides know that you want to increase your psychic hearing (BTW, it’s totally fine if you don’t know who your Guides are. They know you, so don’t worry.)

  3. Now, tune in to all of the soft sounds around you. What do you hear? The rumble of the train? Rain pelting the window? Someone’s mobile phone buzzing? A song that’s popped into your mind?  A name? 

Simply taking the time to relax and listen (even in a noisy environment when conditions aren’t quiet) is a super powerful way to start developing your psychic hearing.

In time, as you learn to relax and allow sound in, you’ll start noticing that that you are hearing all sorts of psychic goodness — like messages from your Spirit Guides and Higher Self, that just “pop” into your mind. PLUS, because you’re developing your gifts in all sorts of different environments, using your clairaudience will start to feel totally natural.

“Children learn how to make good decisions by making decisions, not by following directions.” ~ Alfie Kohn

TIP: Get curious and then encourage your children to join you and open a door into their heart. Allow them to sit quietly and look within and connect to their feelings and knowing. They will uncover values, desires, gifts and dreams, and insight into their life path. They can vocalise fears or blocks that may be impeding progress in a certain direction. And they will learn to trust their resourcefulness and capacity to make decisions for themselves, instead of relying on others.

In order to be curious you must suspend your expertise. You must self-manage your need to fix, rescue or advise, and instead see children as capable of knowing what is best. Open ended questions starting with What, more than How, engage intuition the most.

Examples include, What does your heart want? If you could wave a magic wand, what would you create today? What’s your favourite thing about that? What would that be like?

2. Stop watching TV Ads


Write down what you’re grateful for…

Have you ever noticed that an hour long TV show is like 70% commercials? It’s the same thing over and over.

Instead of wasting all that time, watch later and skip through the commercials. Then, use those 15 precious minutes to connect with your intuitive abilities instead.

Use that time to do some meditation or gratitude journaling instead

3. Connect with Spirit Guide

spirit guides

Do you feel like you could have a warm and loving relationship with someone whose name you don’t know?

I didn’t think so.

That’s why, starting today, you want to get to know your Spirit Guides .

After all, their job is to help you achieve your best possible life, and offer you their Divine guidance — so it makes a huge difference when they feel familiar to you. And all you need to do to start connecting with, and building a relationship with your Spirit Guides, is to know their name — but don’t stress.

It’s easy to get to know your Guide!  

  1. Sit quietly for a few moments

  2. Tune into your heart and choose a name for your Spirit Guide — yes, choose. Don’t worry! Simply allow your intuition and heart to guide you, and your Spirit Guide will be honoured with whatever name you choose!

  3. Then, start chatting with them! We literally mean to start generally chatting with them in your day to day life. For example, when you are driving and not sure which route to take, — say, Raphael, can you help me? You may feel an inspired idea about which route will be safest and quickest. Start to trust it…

4. Raise your Vibe Listen…

power of music

Keeping your vibration high makes it easier for Spirit to connect with you, and makes it easier to develop psychic ability and trust your gifts.

And it doesn’t have to be complicated or hard.   One of my favourite ways to keep my vibe up is by listening to music (it really is good for the soul).

Pop on a song you can’t seem to get through without dancing, and listen to it while cleaning up the kitchen or folding laundry. It will raise your vibe, and help you feel more spiritually connected.

5. Crystals are tools

amethyst crystal

Crystals can be used for all sorts of things.  I think they are brilliant for meditation and manifestation, but here I’m going to talk about how to use them in psychic development.

There are literally hundreds of different types of crystals but I’ve picked out a few that to me are personal favourites and form the basics in a psychic development toolkit.

The basic gemstones

Tigers Eye is used for grounding and protection, both of which are really important when you start opening up your psychic abilities.   Slip some under your pillow to protect you when sleeping. 

When it comes to actually opening up, Amethyst is a really good crystal to use.  In ancient cultures, only the Priestesses, Priests or Kings had access to the mystery of this stone and it is said to effectively plug us in to the cosmos itself, opening us up to its true infinite nature, stirring our innate  psychic ability, deepening our intuition and revealing many spiritual truths.

6. Go for a walk in nature 

I have two dogs, Angel is a X-labrador and Henry is a X-shnauzer.  They give me an excuse to get out and walk every day. Walks can be a great place to connect with nature and ground yourself, which means coming into the present moment and out of your head-space. Walking can also be a time for you to squeeze a mini meditation session in! Try concentrating on as each step as you walk. Focus on the movement of your body and say the word “step” with each step you take. It will help you embrace your intuition and psychic development.

7. High Fibre Foods


Adding high vibration foods to your diet, such as fresh fruits and veggies will help you feel good and keep your energetic vibe nice and high. Don’t worry about totally overhauling your diet though. Just add some greens, fruits, or even dark chocolate (my favourite!) to your day and notice the difference in how connected you feel to your psychic abilities.

Beginner Psychic Development Steps Takeaways

The truth is, developing psychic ability can be effortless, joyful, and fun! So integrate these beginner psychic development tips into your day and enjoy your journey. Plus, taking a relaxed and effortless approach will increase your vibe and allow you to open your logical mind. Win-win!    

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