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Writer's pictureHeather Prince

You CAN have all that you want…

If you missed the show “The Gift Of Healing TV” on Friday evening,

If you missed me Live on Facebook at 10am yesterday, Listen up – You are Good enough! You are worthy!

It has been an emotional rollercoaster for me in connecting with so many of you.  I’ve become enrolled in SO MANY of your visions and you all inspire me! So many of you have shared beautiful visions of how you make an impact with your work, and how you want to live with freedom every day!

I love that! I want that for you too!

While I love seeing so many brave women step up and join my Core Transformation Program, there are always just as many women who have questions, doubts and fears about making such a big decision like this.

In case you’re in that boat, I wanted to let you know that I totally get it. I know that the Core Transformation Program is not only an investment financially but also an investment in YOU, and stepping up into that bigger version of yourself can feel terrifying, to say the least.

TRUTH: It’s just not always EASY to believe in ourselves.

But, I also know that when it comes time to trusting in yourselves and your process, this decision, needs to be made from the heart (and not from fear).

So I decided to pop into your inbox today to do something about those lingering questions that might be holding you back.

And luckily, after years of healing clients Akashic Records, I can pretty confidently say I’ve heard every question in the book.

Let’s do this….

Will I be working direct with you Heather on the 90 day Core Transformation Program?


– a session with an expert Numerologist to get a personal insight into your Money Mapping!

– an energy reading with a top intuitive for extra guidance on your path!

I totally understand that if you’re considering investing in your life at this level, you’re going to want to be absolutely sure you’re getting the kind of support you need.

I know, on my own journey, I almost didn’t have a coach for the same reason, but I thank myself every day that I didn’t let my fear get in the way, because the one I joined changed everything for me.

Which is why so many of my clients say that the personalised attention you get in the Core Transformation Program is unlike any other program out there.

I want to do the Core Transformation Program, but I’m not sure I can afford it, how do I know it’s the right investment for me? 

I want to say this straight from my heart:

If you KNOW that this program is for you and you’re willing to put in the work, the investment isn’t the issue – It’s your own faith (or lack of faith) in yourself, and there’s only one thing to do, kick it in the bum and tell it to F*** Off! Said with love.

If you can feel into this choice and see that it’s a lack of faith keeping you back, then my suggestion is this…

LISTEN to that small voice in your gut wanting you to commit to a higher level in your life, because that voice is the one that will actually help you meet those dreams head on.

If you’re still feeling unsure, just know that so many women who have joined the Core Transformation Program have struggled with those same fears.

In fact, here’s what those ladies have to say about their investment now:

“Having tried a number of different alternative therapies for an on-going problem with my shoulder, I was finally referred to Heather. I attended my first visit, unsure as to quite what to expect and was extremely impressed with Heather’s warm yet professional manner. She put me completely at ease and explained the process very clearly. From that point on I almost felt like an observer. Heather worked with the deeper levels of my consciousness unravelling things I barely even knew were there, because I had hidden them away so effectively. I could hear myself responding to questions, without really being aware that I even knew the answers. For those of you that have tried alternative treatments I would compare it to kinesiology for the soul!

I hadn’t quite appreciated how much past emotional events or my ancestors stuff could cause physical dysfunction and pain and so had been trying to treat my symptoms on a physical level. With Heather I was able to reach below the embedded pattern and clear the underlying issues and memories leaving me free to move forward in a completely unhindered way. My life is so different from where I was only 18 months ago, before my programme of treatment with Heather. I have left a difficult working environment and am setting up in business with a colleague. I have moved house and my relationships with my family have dramatically improved. I can whole heartedly recommend Heather to anyone struggling to break negative patterns that they feel are holding them back from realising their true potential.” J. M

“I first went to Heather back in January 2016, I was in a very dark place, mentally and emotionally plus my house was a mess and wanted to spend more time out of my house than in it. I needed a Core Transformation!

She checked out any programs in my family of abuse, addiction, violence, poverty, illness, abandonment and betrayal and cleared all that negative stuff in my Akashic Records, then Heather helped me to set myself a goal to clear the clutter by the end of August this year by setting me tasks each week and it was up to me to comply to them or not. With her encouragement and clearing the root cause when I had not obtained my goal by finding the cause of any glitches that occurred along the way and clearing them. I have succeeded in turning my life around, I now have a more positive frame of mind and enjoy being at home.” J.C.

How do I know if I’m ready?

The reality is, there will never be a magical moment when you suddenly have loads of free time, or everything is “just right.”

And I know from experience, sometimes you’ve got to start before you’re ready. You’ve got to MAKE IT the right time.

But let me tell you, honestly, if there is anything worth making the time and space to do, it’s the Core Transformation Program.

“I could have easily said ‘I’m not in the right space right now’ or ‘I’m working a 9-5, now’s not the right time for the Core Transformation Program’, but I really felt that it was the absolute most amazing time. But when I said ‘Yes’ to that and ‘Yes’ to myself, everything else has just been easy.” — K.R. 

Alright, I’m saying ‘Yes!’ — where do I sign up?

And remember, when you say ‘Yes’ to the Core Transformation Program, you join the many women who’ve also committed to themselves, their dreams, and their futures and who will be cheering you on, keeping you accountable, and moving you forward.

Can’t wait to get to the root!


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